
Nar and Narayana


Long before the epic Mahabharata, there lived an Asura named Dambhodva, at that times the only desire of demons was to attain immortality at any cost. So to attain that Dambhodva meditated for years to please Lord Surya. When Lord Surya was satisfied with his prayers, he appeared before him. Dambhodva asked for a boon of immortality, but was denied by the lord and was asked to change his desire. Dambhodva became disappointed, but by using his cunning mind he asked for the boon which was not less than immortality. 

He asked for the protection of thousand armors on his chest. Each armor could be removed only by a person who would have done a thousand years of meditation before fighting with him and would also have to fight for a thousand years before being able to remove a single armor. Also, the person removing the armor would die immediately after it is removed. Surya, having a soft corner for Dambhodbhava for his devotion to him, granted him his wish. Dambhodbhava thus came to be known as ‘Sahastra Kavacha’ or man with a thousand armors. After gaining this blessing of Lord Surya, the cruel Dambhodbhava attacked devs, humans and tried to rule over all the universe. He gained the possession of everything he desired. Everyone was suffering and was in pain. Soon all the devtas united and went to Lord Vishnu to ask for help. After realizing the pain of innocent human beings and living creatures Vishnuji decided to help. He soon took birth as inseparable Nar and Narayan.   

Please continue to part 2.


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